Novel Contrast agents for transabdominal PA Imaging
Contrast enhanced photoacoustic (PA) imaging has the potential for deep tissue imaging, but clinically approved exogenous agents, such as indocyanine green (ICG), have poor photostability, low photothermal efficiency and poor blood retention that limit their use in vivo. Additionally, commonly used PA contrast agents have optical extinction peaks in the first near infrared (NIR-I) window, where light attenuation by tissue is high. Plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) have high tunable localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)–induced optical extinction, allowing imaging at NIR-II wavelengths where light penetration is maximized in biological tissues. However, conventional plasmonic NPs, such as gold nanorods (AuNRs) bioaccumulate at sizes needed for NIR-II LSPR. Semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs), such as copper sulfides (CuxS), exhibit NIR-II optical extinction without size modulation. However, compared to AuNRs, typical CuxS have reduced peak LSPR due to lower densities of free charge carriers. Hence, our group is interested in characterizing novel biocompatible and biodegradable NIR-II PA contrast agent capable of translating PA systems for transabdominal imaging.
Vincely, V. D., Zhong, X., Huda, K., Katakam, S. P., Kays, J. C., Dennis, A. M., and Bayer, C.L. “Bornite (Cu5FeS4) nanocrystals as an ultrasmall biocompatible NIR-II contrast agent for photoacoustic imaging”. Photoacoustics (2024).
[DOI]Vincely, V.D., Huda, K., Zhong, X., Dennis, A. and Bayer C.L., “A novel biocompatible and biodegradable NIR-2 agent for in-vivo photoacoustic imaging to improve overall image contrast” International Ultrasound Symposium. (07 September 2023)
Manuel, L. D. B., Vincely, V. D., Bayer, C.L., McPeak, K. M. “Monodisperse Sub-100 nm Au Nanoshells for Low-Fluence Deep-Tissue Photoacoustic Imaging”. Nano Letters (2023).
[DOI]V.D. Vincely and C. L. Bayer. “Functional photoacoustic imaging for placental monitoring: A mini review”. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. (2023).
Vincely, V.D., Katakam, S.P., Huda, K., Zhong, X., Kays, J.C., Dennis, A. and Bayer C.L., “Biodegradable and biocompatible semiconductor nanocrystals as NIR-II photoacoustic imaging contrast agents” Proc. SPIE 12379-137, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2023 (30 January 2023) [POSTER]
Vincely, V.D. and Bayer C.L., “Simulations-informed optimization of photoacoustic imaging depth and validation with phantoms.” Proc. SPIE 12379-164, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2023 (30 January 2023) [POSTER]
Katakam, S. P., Vincely, V. D., Bayer, C. L., “Improved Photoacoustic Signal Stability in Melanin Phantom with NIR-II Wavelengths,” 2022 BMES Conference: Biomedical Imaging and Instrumentation, (12-15 October 2022) [POSTER]