adam kolkin

Successful Master’s thesis defense – Adam Kolkin

Congratulations to Adam Kolkin on the successful defense of his Master’s theses!

Megan Escott

Successful Master’s thesis defense – Megan Escott

Congratulations to Megan Escott on the successful defense of her Master’s theses!

BFIL members present their work at OSA 2019

BFIL members Kristie Huda and Megan Escott traveled to Tuscon, AZ to present their work at OSA 2019. Kristie’s presented her work evaluating a tomographic photoacoustic imaging system to image placental function. Megan’s talk focused on local oxygen delivery to the placenta using targeted nanodroplets.

Lab work presented at Tulane SSE Research Days

Dylan Lawrence and Chengxi Wu of the BFIL presented posters of their work at the 2019 Tulane School of Science and Engineering Research Days.