In vivo noninvasive systemic myography of acute systemic vasoactivity in female pregnant mice

Huda, K., Lawrence, D.J., Thompson, W. Lindsey, S. H., Bayer, C. L. In vivo noninvasive systemic myography of acute systemic vasoactivity in female pregnant mice. Nat Commun 14, 6286 (2023).

G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor Stimulation Attenuates Hypertension And Cardiac Dysfunction In The Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure Model Of Preeclampsia

Alencar, A.K.N., Swan, K.F., Mahapatra, S., Pridjian G., Lindsey S.H.. and Bayer , C. L., “G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor Stimulation Attenuates Hypertension And Cardiac Dysfunction In The Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure Model Of Preeclampsia”. Hypertension (07 September 2023). [Poster]

Vasculata – Selective activation of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) attenuates hypertension and cardiac dysfunction in the reduced uterine perfusion pressure model of preeclampsia.

Alencar, A.K.N., Swan, K.F., Mahapatra, S., Pridjian G., Bayer , C.L., “Selective activation of the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) attenuates hypertension and cardiac dysfunction in the reduced uterine perfusion pressure model of preeclampsia.” Vasculata 2023, (19 July 2023). [Poster]

Vasculata – Imaging vascular malformations

Vincely, V.D., Bavishi, S., Meadows, S. and Bayer, C.L., “Photoacoustic Tomography to Monitor Whole-Body Vascular Malformations in a SMAD4 knockout model of HHT,” NAVBO: Vasculata 2023. (18 July 2023). [POSTER].

Connecting G protein-coupled estrogen receptor biomolecular mechanisms with the pathophysiology of preeclampsia: a review

Alencar, A.K.N., Swan K.F., Pridjian, G., Lindsey, S.H., Bayer, C.L. “Connecting G protein-coupled estrogen receptor biomolecular mechanisms with the pathophysiology of preeclampsia: a review”. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (2023).


Spectral photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging of vascular function

Huda, K., Vincely, V.D., Bayer C.L., “Spectral photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging of vascular function.” Proc. SPIE 12363-14, Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2023 (28 January 2023) [INVITED PAPER].

Evaluation of Drug Loaded Nanodroplets in a Placental Model

Raman, A.K., St. Clair, A., Swan, K.F., Bayer, C.L., “Evaluation of Drug Loaded Nanodroplets in a Placental Model,” BMES 2022 Annual Meeting: Photoaccoustic Imaging, (12-15 October 2022)

Drug Encapsulated Perfluorocarbon Nanodroplets as a Localized Preeclampsia Theranostic

St. Clair, A., Raman, A.K., and Bayer, C.L., “Drug Encapsulated Perfluorocarbon Nanodroplets as a Localized Preeclampsia Theranostic,” Tulane School of Science and Engineering Undergraduate Research Poster Session, (11 October 2022) [POSTER]

Photoacoustic imaging provides an in vivo assessment of the preeclamptic placenta remodeling and function in response to therapy

D.J. Lawrence, C.L. Bayer. “Photoacoustic imaging provides an in vivo assessment of the preeclamptic placenta remodeling and function in response to therapy”.  Placenta 126, 46-53 (2022).

Congrats to Dylan on his successful PhD thesis defense!